Why Setting Uncomfortable Goals Can Lead to Personal Growth

Stepping out of your comfort zone is no fun. It could bring fear, anxiety, and all the other fun stuff. However, it’s these moments of discomfort that could help you grow personally. But how exactly does setting uncomfortable goals lead to personal growth? 

In this article we will talk about the multiple reasons why setting uncomfortable goals could get you to another level, along with other information.

Why Do People Stray Away From Uncomfortable Goals?

Humans are built to avoid pain and seek pleasure. That’s why humans often find themselves drifting towards the comfortable option, rather than going after the uncomfortable. Here’s an example. I’m sure you’ve come across a person that has been in a relationship where they have so many problems on a regular basis, but they refuse to leave.

Another example would be someone who absolutely hates their job, but stays because they’re comfortable.

Some other reasons people stray away from uncomfortable goals include.

In the rest of this blog post we’re going to go over exactly why setting uncomfortable goals can lead to personal growth.

You will Not Become Better By Doing The Same Things You’re Doing

“Everything that you have right now in your life is because of who you are and how you think. Everything you don’t have is because of the same reasons”.- Yana Fry, Timeless Teachings Podcast

If you’re not happy with where you’re at right now, doing the same things that you’re doing now isn’t going to cut it. You have to get uncomfortable. 

How does this lead to personal growth? Well, when we begin to take action, we start to realize that our fears were invalid. We then realize all the aspects of life were not living to our fullest potential.

For example, you may have just started going to the gym (which is a big fear of yours). Once you start forcing yourself to go, you’ll realize that it isn’t so scary. This then leads to you thinking about all your other fears in a different fashion. 

Harnessing Discomfort: The Brain’s Pathway to Resilience and Growth

Pushing beyond comfort zones activates the brain’s plasticity, enhancing learning and problem-solving. Embracing discomfort nurtures resilience and stress management skills. Dr. Ryan C. Warner, RC Warner Consulting

According to Ryan, stepping outside of our comfort zones can stimulate our brain’s adaptability, leading to improved learning and problem-solving capabilities. Furthermore, facing challenges and discomfort strengthens our resilience and equips us with better stress management tools.

The Continuous Cycle OF Setting And Achieving Challenging Goals Promotes Lifelong Learning

“This continuous cycle of setting and achieving challenging goals promotes lifelong learning, with each hurdle presenting new lessons that fuel our drive for self-improvement.”

Alex Anderson-Kahl, Healing Little Hearts

Embracing a continuous cycle of setting ambitious goals and striving to achieve them cultivates a mindset of perpetual learning. Each challenge faced and overcome introduces new insights and experiences, reinforcing our commitment to self-betterment and ensuring that our journey of personal growth never stops.

How To Take Your First Steps Towards Uncomfortable Goals

Now that you understand why setting uncomfortable goals could help with personal growth, it’s also important to note that setting uncomfortable goals doesn’t work overnight. Here are some things you want to consider.

Self Reflect

The first thing you want to do is self-reflect. What are your fears, and how are they holding you back? In the same thought process you want to think what you would be doing if it wasn’t for those fears.

Start Small

The next thing is to start small. I personally have a YouTube channel, and one of my biggest fears was to talk on camera/show my face. So I started with voice over videos, not showing my face. However, over time, I got more and more comfortable to the point where I didn’t care about showing my face on camera. Over time I realized how ridiculous the fear was and got over it, just by taking baby steps.

Set Realistic Goals

I wrote a post about the importance of setting realistic goals. Sometimes people hear the word uncomfortable and they automatically go towards thinking that means unrealistic. If you don’t set realistic goals, you’re going to discourage yourself even more so than when you started. If you want more oan how to set goals, you could go here.

Know That There’s Going To Be Failure

With uncomfortable goals, comes failure. Not every step you take is going to be a successful one. The most important thing is that you understand that setbacks are a part of growth, instead of getting discouraged.

Celebrate Small Wins

Every step you take towards your uncomfortable goal is a victory. Celebrate these moments. They serve as reminders of your progress and fuel your motivation.


Setting uncomfortable goals could lead to broadening your horizons, lifelong learning, resilience and more. By taking these initial steps and staying committed to your vision, you’ll not only achieve your goals but also unlock a version of yourself you never knew existed.