Should you Set Goals At Night Or In The Morning?

Should you set goals at night or in the  morning?

Setting goals for every single day is a sure way to make sure you’re successful. Whether it’s a work goal, personal goal, or both, you should be writing them down every single day. One common question that comes in regard to this is whether or not you should be writing them down at night or in the morning. 

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Dr. Craig Kain has been a therapist for over 35 years and has helped clients overcome obstacles such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and relationship issues. As an expert in the field of psychology and psychotherapy, here is what he recommends to do:

You should write down your goals for the next day the night before instead of in the morning because it allows you to get up and get going right away instead of spending valuable time figuring out what it is you need to do in the morning. 

In the rest of this post, we will go over all of the other advantages of setting goals at night and why Dr. Kain believes this is the best way to do it. We will be supporting his points with points of our own. 

Setting Goals At Night Allows Us To Flow Better Into The Next Day

When you finish up your work day, everything is still fresh on your mind. All the little details of what you need to do for tomorrow are still top-of-mind. Writing a recap of how your current day went and then following it up with a to-do list for the next day is an excellent way to make sure you stay on track.

It also allows you to closely reflect on how your day went and any changes you need to make for the next day. You can analyze what worked, and what didn’t work, and plan accordingly so that things run smoother the following day.

Mornings Could Be Too Hectic to Set Goals

If you have kids or other responsibilities setting goals in the morning could be very hard. You may have to rush out of the house or have other obligations that would prevent you from setting goals for the day. After working through those obligations you then have to remember in detail how yesterday went and what you need to do next.

Your creative energy is highest in the morning and you don’t want to waste it by spending it trying to remember the details of yesterday and setting goals for that day. You want to use the creative energy on those days’ tasks instead.

Action Breeds More Action

When you’re able to wake up and immediately accomplish one of your goals, that sets the tone for the rest of the day. There’s a quote by Dale Carnegie that states, “inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage”. 

Admiral McRaven also stated that “if you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.” Actually getting things done from the get-go and creating momentum can help keep you going throughout the day.

The more time you spend on organizing and writing your goals instead of actually getting them done, the more you are likely to do things throughout that day that don’t necessarily move the needle. While this isn’t true in all cases, it’s certainly something to consider when deciding on what time to set goals.

Writing Down Goals Before Bed Is a Great Way To Clear Our Mind

Have you ever put your head on the pillow and then all of a sudden thoughts about work or other goals start streaming into your head? This happens because you haven’t yet found closure for the day. 

Getting out of a journal and writing things down allows you to clear your mind. Dr. Kain puts it perfectly by saying that it, “rids ourselves of the residue of the day which allows us to sleep more peacefully”. 

He couldn’t have said this any better. When I decide to reflect on my day and write my goals for tomorrow when I shut my journal, I feel more relaxed and can go to sleep without my mind racing.

Why Writing Down Your Goals Is a Good Idea In General?

Regardless of the time you set your goals for the day, setting goals by writing them down has been proven to be incredibly effective and has many benefits.

Keep You Accountable

I don’t even know how I functioned at all without writing down my goals. When i didn’t it felt like every day was just a blur of random tasks and I never felt like I was making any progress. 


Writing down your goals helps to clarify and focus on what you want. It gives you a clear picture of what you’re working towards and allows you to visualize it, helping to keep you motivated and driven.


When I don’t write down my goals, I find my mind wandering all over the place. I’ll open my phone and look at Instagram and then before you know it I’m on Youtube watching a video. That sets up the whole day for a disaster. 


It’s actually proven that writing down your goals increases your chances of success by 42%. I’d be willing to do things that increase my chances by 5% let alone 42%. Anything that could move the needle is worth the try. 

Make Sure You Set Realistic Goals

When you plan your day, it’s important that you create realistic goals. Aiming high and pushing yourself is important, but if the tasks are too difficult to complete then the goals can become discouraging. By setting realistic goals for yourself, not only do you increase your chances of success but also boost your sense of accomplishment once these have been accomplished.

In Summary

Writing down your goals at night could be a very good way to keep a great workflow. However, everyone is different and Productive Living Tips encourages you to find a routine that works for you.

We are interested in hearing how you go about writing goals on a day-to-day basis. If you have any input, please leave a comment or find us on Twitter and let us know your thoughts. 


One response to “Should you Set Goals At Night Or In The Morning?”

  1. […] Your goals for the next day (night time is the best time to do this) […]