What Should Be The First Steps Before Goal Setting?

When setting goals, there are a lot of overwhelming thoughts that go through your brain. So how could you simplify things? What should be the first steps you should take before goal setting? For this article we’re going to take a different approach. Instead of going over SMART goals like every other goal setting article, we are going to go over the first steps you should do before setting your goals.

For this article, we had the opportunity to speak with renowned expert Morgana Rae, CEO at Charmed Life Coaching Inc, who generously shared her insights on goal-setting. With her vast experience and proven track record, Morgana has helped countless individuals and businesses achieve their dreams and aspirations. For this article, she helped us come up with solid first steps when it comes to goal setting. Let’s dive into them.

Unearthing True Desires

She started out by telling us, “I like to start the goal-setting process with this question: ‘What would you want if you could actually have what you want?’”

It’s important that the goals you set align with what you could actually want. Many people start with “wants” that are actually influenced by outside factors. Down the road, people begin to realize that what they wanted was actually not what they desired.

The worst thing you could ever do is set goals based on what others expect of you. So for this process, really think hard about your own desires and figure out what you truly want in life. By doing this you will create a foundation so strong that you’ll keep moving forward no matter what.

The Power of “Why”

Next up, she said “Followed by, ‘Why do you want this?’ The why is always more important than the how. The how will reveal itself along the way.”

Your “why” is what will keep you going on days your motivation dwindles. Not every day is going to be sunny and full of energy. Keeping a solid “why” will increase your self-discipline and help you stay on track even when things get tough.

Example Of Having a Why

Let’s say you have a goal of losing 50 pounds. Many people set this same goal on a day to day basis, and many people fail. However, if you had a goal of losing 50 pounds, and your why was so you could stay around your kids for a longer period of time, your discipline to accomplish your goals will be unmatched.

On the days where you don’t feel like doing it, your why will pop up into your head and give you the push to continue.

Overcoming Societal Expectations

As Morgana Rae mentioned, “More often than not, human beings have already given up on getting what they really want, and they long ago substituted what they were told to want instead.”

When setting goals, we need to get over societal expectations. Your dad may want you to join the family business, your mom may want you to pursue a certain degree, or your friends may think you should be doing something else. When it comes to setting goals, it’s important that you don’t let these expectations creep into your brain because they will derail you from what you truly want.

This is why taking your time on the first two steps mentioned above should be your very first steps in the goal setting process.


SMART goals are great when you actually start laying out the goals and strategies, but what we have discussed here is more on the internal side of goal setting. This will get you started with the right goals and the right frame of mind to accomplish them.

If you want to get into the topic of actually setting goals, you could check out this post we have about that here!